Decibellas Choir

Decibellas Charity Number 1197363

Val Regan Singing Workshop - Saturday 18th April 2015

Val Regan has worked as a community musician since 1993. She leads choirs and singing workshops plus a host of music-making, composition and theatre projects. She is also an instrumentalist and arranger whose work includes music for BBC Radio Four and her songs for community choirs are sung far and wide. 

Community Music is an inclusive approach to music education which values and develops the musicality in all of us. Val is known for teaching with great clarity and humour, helping choirs and music leaders to develop a deeper understanding of music and the community cohesion that music can bring about. There is no such thing as a wrong note!

Val runs workshops designed to get you learning more about your own musicality through singing. With a mixture of great songs, games and “musical workouts” you can become more confident with complex rhythms, understand more about singing with others and develop your own musicianship. 

Workshops are FUN!! supportive and inclusive. You will leave feeling good about what you can do. Sessions can focus on a particular skill or cover a mixture and always include a large dose of satisfying harmony singing:

  • Rhythm without the blues
  • Improving pitch and tuning
  • Ensemble and performance skills for community choirs
  • Voice jams – space to explore your own musicianship through singing

Come and join the fun!

Saturday 18th April at Holy Ascension Church, Upton, Chester from 2 - 4:30pm

Tickets £7, under 18's £2.

For more information, email Clare Newbould .


Registered Charity Number 1197363